UK & Europe '24 Day 14 - Paradox Museum, ABBA Museum and Grona Lund
Still feeling a little heavy from last night's meal (and increasingly heavier in general) we started the day with coffee while we sorted out the app-based public transport ticket. Throwing a language you're not familiar with into the mix when navigating a public transport system you're unfamiliar with puts an interesting spin on things, but we did pretty well today, all told. It did start with hopping on a train in the wrong direction, though, but once we ironed out that little wrinkle from our journey, we were surprised to see how close our first destination was. One stop away, in fact. The Paradox museum is a bit of fun to add to a visit to Stockholm. Infinity rooms, infinity windows and a host of optical illusions blend with sets you hop right into for some unique photo opportunities. Playing around with perspective was fun, and there was a room early on that really played havoc with our sense of balance. It involved walking through a room on a perspex bridge, but the ro...